Our Mission

Our mission is to provide interactive learning content that helps develop business-ready skills, shorten the time between being informed, educated, and employable, using contemporary content, packaged in a micro-learning format.

 B4MBA.com (Basics for management business administration) is an online learning resource that aims to support learners that engage better with the information presented in bites-sizes, prefer to conduct secondary ‘desk’ research, and take responsibility for the pace of their learning. It also aims to minimize the strict formality of class-room based skills training. You do not need a degree or past experience to take any of our courses. All you need is curiosity, logic, and motivation.

We believe courses should translate into knowledge and skills very quickly to meet the requirements of the ever-changing jobs market. So we empower our learners with contemporary content, challenging tasks that are packaged in a micro-learning format to make them qualified to do a job, learn on the job, and grow in their current roles rather than gaining certificate(s) after a period of strictly formal structures.

To this end, the objective of B4MBA.com is to publish and deliver interactive resources in a range of business subject areas that simplify theoretical concepts/models and demonstrates how these models can be applied in practice whilst challenging and educating the learner.

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Content creation approach

The course(s) are created to help anyone learn. We use a blend of sources – industry-led case studies, academic research papers, lecture/seminar materials recommended by business schools, and accredited professional training courses. Every content is validated by industry practitioners, learning consultants, and academics. These experts are our focus group that provides advice on the ‘need to know’ and ‘must-have skills’ required by those wishing to increase their ability or venture into business, its management, or administration as a profession. The following are typical roles required to create and manage content created for the website.

Director, 3P&O

Associate, Content Project

Associate, Account Management

Associate, Content Instructor

Associate, Product Developer

UX Contributor, product design

Associate, Sales & Marketing

Contributor, Product design

Contributor, Instructional Design

Contributor, Product testing

Associate, Business Development

Associate, Product Manager

We value our visitors (browsers, subscribers, users, and learners) who have paid for (or are granted) access to resources on our site, without you all our efforts are pointless. So we recognize our obligations and take them seriously. The content is created and maintained by Eightb Limited. We exercise all reasonable efforts to maintain accurate and complete information but we do not provide any guarantees, conditions, or warranties for the up-to-date accuracy or completeness of the information provided on any of the web pages. We thus reserve the right to deviate from what is included on our pages, in whole or in part. To understand the type of relationships we seek to build with our visitors (users/learners) and the commitment we will put into the use of information provided on our webpage or course content, please refer to our Privacy Policy and the “Terms of Use” for our content (“webpages”, “courses”, “lessons”, “learning resources”).

B4MBA.com is a trademark of Eightb Limited. A registered business in the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland.